Should I edit this video or bin it?


Active Member
In October of 2014 I wrote a video called "Ghost Caught on Camera", 'Ghost Caught on Camera' (or GCOC) is a parody video of the ghost video phenomenon on YouTube, you click on any video which happens to be a top ten list of creepiest things and the sidebar will just completely fill to the brim with every paranormal video you can imagine, you can find yourself getting lost in this sea of videos.

After writing the script for it I then went and shot the video over a 5 day period and each session lasted about 2 hours (from 10:00pm), because I was so proud of the fact that I had written my first script that contained no dialogue I decided in a haze of happiness to show it to my grandmother, to give you an idea of what my grandmother is like I would refer you to Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice, posh, good manners, never inappropriate in the slightest, never speak about sex and/or masturbation, this is where my dilemma comes in: My video contains some incredibly strange things, I wanted to make the ghost as obnoxious as I possibly could so I had him: masturbating to internet p**n, taking a dump in a bin, stealing a cigarette, brushing a toothbrush around the inside of a toilet and urinating on the bedroom floor.

Now, to add the construct around that paragraph, the 'ghost' in this video was me covered in a bed-sheet walking around and doing this stuff, the camera was placed on a tripod at a distance and I acted it out.

The problem I am having is whether or not I actually want to make this video or not, all the clips are currently sat, raw, in a folder that is 50.1GB in size, I am at a crossroads of whether I should edit it all together and post it on my channel (when I'm ready, I have several other videos I'm prepping) or whether to highlight the folder and just delete from both my documents and the recycle bin, on the one hand when reading the script I found it pretty hilarious, but this video would be on my channel, for everyone in the world to see, and I'm not sure whether people will find it funny or just gross.

Could this video damage me as I grow on YouTube or do you think it would be a worthwhile endeavour to make it? If you like I could post screenshots from the video so that you can get an idea of what it is, or you could PM me and I could throw things by you to see if you think it's worth it or not. I want to build a brand for myself, I don't want to hurt that brand.
I've come to a decision to edit only one scene of it into a video as putting the entire thing together would be overkill on the joke. The kitchen scene will be the video.

And thank you Shendijiro for moving the thread for me, I wasn't sure where to put it.