Safest Way to Collect Funds for a Sponsored Video?

Matt Rizos

New Member
Hey Guys.

I'm starting to get quite a few companies that want me to create sponsored videos for them. I was thinking about using paypal, but I'm worried about the crazy chargeback stories I hear about. Is there a better, safer way to collect these funds?

I agree with you on not trusting Paypal but beware that everyone that has not yet been skrewd by paypal will come here and post "I've been using PayPal for years and never had a problem" which is meaningless because that's how it always is - you use it for years and never have a problem, then, you have a problem (yes, Paypal tried to fck me for over $5k, lied to me gave me the runaround, then, when they were threatened with legal action gave me back all my money and apologized)..
Anyway. You could look into Square, but to use it you would need to setup a website unless you are going to see them in person. Your bank may also offer some kind of "QuickPay" type options. You could always just ask them to pay you the old fashioned way, via check.. Just dont publish your video until the check clears.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but what's wrong with a good old fashioned wire transfer into your account? I would imagine that any company asking you to perform a service for them will want an invoice, so you would in any case need to declare your earnings. One of the beautiful things about youtube video services is that you can keep the video unpublished until receipt of funds.