Royalty-Free Music Resources


Loving YTtalk
On the partnerships thread there is a post where it lists a lot of network and their requirements. I'm sure many of you, including myself, found that post extremely helpful. I was hoping we could do the same thing for royalty free music. We can all post where we get our royalty free music from and then compile it into a long list that will benefit everyone. Not sure if this has been done. I also hope that I posted this under the correct thread...

Ok I'll go first, I use these three websites (theyre the only ones I know of)

3. (this site is in japanese but google can help with translation. Totally worth it!)
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This guy makes some awesome tracks, I used to use his music in some of our YTtalkTV videos but I felt it wasnt fitting for the type of channel it is but when I make my personal channel I will be using his music all the time, I love it:

That is where I get a majority of my music, because they provide a proof of permission to use.