Poll for You Artists Out There!


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Fidel Arbolaez

Selective Promoter
Hi everyone. I couldn't fit the entire question in the poll, so it is instead at the end of this post. Before I pop the question though, let me give you an idea of what I have in mind. (Stick with me; it will pay off):

I am just about done with my project, which I've been working on for a long time. This project is (so far,) made up of two literary works, joining together to create a story of science fiction horror. This story, however, is not a "story" in a traditional sense. Unlike the usual "beginning-development-ending" closed format we are all use to, the two combined literary works are open-ended enough to form a self-contained literary universe, which can constantly be built upon. This is where YOU come in.

You read the story and then let your creativity fill in the blanks. It doesn't matter whether it is a drawing, painting, short story, etc., once you are finished, sign your work to let anyone who looks at it know that it is obviously yours, and then submit it to the website where it can be voted on. After receiving a certain number of "like" votes, AND if it fits within the story's universe with no noticeable conflict to the canon, the work becomes part of the story's official universe.

Now here's the part where I say: HOWEVER, due to a lot of legal mumbo jumbo, I had no real choice but to copyright the two stories and the series itself. Meaning: If you hope to create profitable work that is based off the universe's canon, you will have to contact me for licensing. ONLY nonprofitable work becomes part of the story's official universe.


When your properly submitted nonprofitable work becomes part of the official canon, you can experience the following benefits:
  • The work’s creator will be mentioned in the credits of a profitable finished product, whenever the creator’s work is used within that said product
  • If you have a website of other artwork and/or a method of contact, I will add it to the site's 'Links' page
  • Your work will become officially part of the universe's history
  • Your work will likely become the basis and standard for many other artistic minds
  • The artistic reputation can become a great addition to your portfolio
  • Bragging rights
So, to the poll's question:

Would you create something for a science fiction horror universe, which you cannot profit off of without licensing, but will likely experience benefits from?
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