No video ideas AT ALL?

Hey everyone!

So I've hit a total wall in my video ideas - I can trawl around the internet for ages looking for ideas but nothing springs up and I also see if anything just springs to mind on a whim when I'm doing everyday stuff - but still nothing!

So I was wondering, what leads you guys to coming up with a video idea? Do you spend ages thinking and planning or does it just come naturally?

I mostly get ideas either when I am at work, in the shower or you know... doing business in the toilet lol.
It just comes naturally.
I'm still in the experimental stage and trying to find a topic I can balance along side work and also enjoy doing. Currently have done lets plays and podcasts but its not really anything different from what anyone else has done. So I had a think on how will mine be different? So I created scorpion reviews only now my friend doesnt have a green screen so thats put that on hold. After playing with many different ideas I have now settled on making a game playable on youtube itself which I dont think has been done before.

What im getting at is take a subject you just love doing and then experiment with the idea. How is yours different? If not, how can you make it different?
Whats the topic/genre of your videos? I can think of some ideas for you
You know how when you are talking to your close friends and the conversation just travels to these random places? That's where I feel a lot of fun ideas come and where I love to get my ideas. Don't know how many times I've stopped a conversation with a friend to type a draft into my phone.
I am worried about this right now, as my notes of ideas are running low, and I haven't been replacing them as quickly as I would like. Like others, ideas often occur to me while I am thinning random thoughts in the shower or on the street. But, yeah, my biggest YouTube fear is running out of ideas. I suggest seeing what is trending on Twitter or find something in Buzzfeed.
it really depends on your content. Im good friends with a girl who does a beauty channel and I have no idea how she can come up with so much content about one topic. If you're a vlogger then you're holding a double edged sword. You can vlog about absolutely anything you like but you also need to think about how receptive your audience is to it. For example if you go to the movies and see the latest superhero movie and decide to make a vlog about it then that's great. You might get a few viewers and all that good stuff. If you then decide to vlog about make up then chances are you will lose those viewers you got from the movie vlog as people who like superhero movies may not be interested in make up.

Try to find a niche that gives you plenty of opportunity to expand. Taking the above example, superhero movies will allow you to talk about one franchise but then maybe branch out into a second, third, fourth etc. but eventually your going to hit a dry spell where no new movies are released and you'll be back in the same situation.

If I was to choose a genre for you then I would pick gaming for several reasons.
1. There are games being continuously released for you to either lets play or review or even just talk about
2. There are some well established franchises for you to do features on
3. You already have some experience with minecraft videos
4. Collaborations between stranger gamers almost always work better than collabs between vloggers who don't know each other
5. (the sexist reason) The majority of people who watch gaming videos enjoy watching women play. I think this is because the majority of youtube gamers are male. Male youtubers have a very short time span to attract my attention. I usually decide within seconds whether the video is worth watching. But when I hear a female voice I usually give it a couple of minutes to make an impression. And that can make a huge difference.

Anyway I just read this back and it seems to waft and ramble along but hopefully theres something in there that can help you. I took a look at your channel and it seems to be missing a point. It says "i enjoy making videos, im good at making videos, and I have good ideas; but I just don't know what direction im heading yet." When you find it though, it's really going to take off. You do have a lot of talent.