New Minecraft ~ Cube World

I think they should've made Minecraft: Sphere World. I'd just love to see how the designers would make that kind of game work. No tessellations ;)
I think they should've made Minecraft: Sphere World. I'd just love to see how the designers would make that kind of game work. No tessellations ;)
I would probably be like Animal Crossing. Except with deadly animals. That would be pretty amazing :D
Someone make mods now!
Actually seems interesting, I like strategy games like that[DOUBLEPOST=1373647770,1373647750][/DOUBLEPOST]

You can!?

8d56e4eda307026eb2e4f95bd06b7831.png - I really like how much stuff they've got going on and still more great features planned :)

Oh, and hang gliding! :O
I think that this game will exceed expectations and take a lot of people by surprise. It looks promising.
Is there a projected release date on it yet or is it still under production?

No date yet but it is an open playable alpha right now, cost $15 USD.
The alpha though has HUNDREDS of features. And that's only like 30% of the whole game