New gaming channel setup help


I've Got It
So if you didnt already know I love to game and I used to run a gaming channel called TheSJHshow (which is partnered with Maker Studios).
However I havent uploaded to it in over 6 months and the last 10 videos on that channel have only reach around 10 views which is rubbish.

I want to start up gaming again now that I have more time on my hands (being a full time freelancer at home).
I want to rebrand away from TheSJHshow so I actually have someone designing some artwork at the moment that I will use for a banner (there is no channel name attached to it).

Do I use a previous channel that doesnt have any videos attached which I created in 2011. It is called HigginsSamuel (This is the same username as my twitter, instagram, soundcloud, tumblr, pinterest etc.)

Or do I create a whole new channel called something like HigginsSamuelGaming or SamuelHigginsGaming

What are your thoughts?
I think you should just start from scratch. No doubt you're going to approach this with a new fresh attitude so why not start it with a fresh everything? I also think you should create an identity that sounds more gaming focused or captures the sort of style/tone you're going for. If you look at all of the big youtubers they all have a nickname or have something gaming related. You may not be aiming to become big but I think it definitely helps to learn from what they do as they're the ones raking in the views. Typically vloggers use their real names which is fine because the channel is about them, but for gamers it's a little different. The channel is not only about the them but it's about the games too and you need to capture that.

I say start all over, come up with an awesome/catchy/fun name and go at it with a new attitude :p
I think you should just start from scratch... Typically vloggers use their real names which is fine because the channel is about them, but for gamers it's a little different. The channel is not only about the them but it's about the games too and you need to capture that.
I say start all over, come up with an awesome/catchy/fun name and go at it with a new attitude :p

ok thanks for your help. I'm just a little worried with creating a whole new brand as thats what I did with the brand TheSJHshow and now I dont like the name, and thats what im worried about if I come up with a nickname for this new channel. What happens if after a while I wanted to rebrand.

Thats why I was thinking using my username HigginsSamuel as its my name and its the same over all social networks plus I could then change the display name to Sam Games or something.
I dont want to come across childish with random nickname.

I want to come across professional, but seem fun at the same time and I want people to know who I am.

Just start with ur current channel, rebrand it, upload videos and be consistent :)

I think that's what I'll do.
I'm currently rebranding my channel, I'm using my own personal YouTube channel and rebranding that but I'm going to be doing Vlogs so it makes a bit more sense for me to use my own name etc, for gamers it's down to personal preference I'd suppose! :)