Darren Taylor
I've Got It
I thought I would share the results of my AdWords YouTube experiment with everyone.
I recently ran an AdWords campaign for 2 weeks spending £78 in total - so nothing big.
I promoted 1 video (about optimising Facebook ads - I am a marketing education channel)
The campaign got the following results
£0.01 cost per view
298,030 ad impressions
2.64% view rate
216 earned views (views you get AFTER people click or see you ad, when they are interested and browse your channels other vids out of choice)
40 Earned liked (likes you get AFTER people click or see you ad, when they are interested and browse your channels other vids out of choice)
51 earned subscribers (subs you get AFTER people click or see you ad, when they are interested and browse your channels other vids out of choice)
This made the cost per sub £1.52 - which isn't bad considering the scale of the experiment and that I haven't really run ads like this before (though I have run hundreds of AdWords search campaigns)
If you're a small YouTuber like me, are those numbers good in your eyes? Would spending £78 / $90 for 51 subs in the early days of your channel work well? If so, I'll share my campaign setup with everyone.
The retention rate and watch time of people who clicked my ad was disastrously low, even though some liked my content. This meant that as a result of promoting that video via AdWords, it lost all organic rankings (it was in like position 7-10 consistently for my chosen top tag before the ads begun) now it's gone completely, so it kills your organic, but at the end of the day, it was getting maybe 8 views a week organically, so I would rather have had the 51 subs
Again, let me know your thoughts and I'll share the setup if the numbers work for you
I recently ran an AdWords campaign for 2 weeks spending £78 in total - so nothing big.
I promoted 1 video (about optimising Facebook ads - I am a marketing education channel)
The campaign got the following results
£0.01 cost per view
298,030 ad impressions
2.64% view rate
216 earned views (views you get AFTER people click or see you ad, when they are interested and browse your channels other vids out of choice)
40 Earned liked (likes you get AFTER people click or see you ad, when they are interested and browse your channels other vids out of choice)
51 earned subscribers (subs you get AFTER people click or see you ad, when they are interested and browse your channels other vids out of choice)
This made the cost per sub £1.52 - which isn't bad considering the scale of the experiment and that I haven't really run ads like this before (though I have run hundreds of AdWords search campaigns)
If you're a small YouTuber like me, are those numbers good in your eyes? Would spending £78 / $90 for 51 subs in the early days of your channel work well? If so, I'll share my campaign setup with everyone.
The retention rate and watch time of people who clicked my ad was disastrously low, even though some liked my content. This meant that as a result of promoting that video via AdWords, it lost all organic rankings (it was in like position 7-10 consistently for my chosen top tag before the ads begun) now it's gone completely, so it kills your organic, but at the end of the day, it was getting maybe 8 views a week organically, so I would rather have had the 51 subs
Again, let me know your thoughts and I'll share the setup if the numbers work for you