Minecraft Machinma Series (NEED VOICE ACTORS+ACTORS)

I was hoping to a Minecraft Machinma series AND NEED PEOPLE D:
You can add me on Skype "therealrazz"
I can record on any console I have depending on peoples platforms will be recording on
The only thing I cannot record on is PC So if the majorty of players are PC someone else will have to record and host a server as I cannot do either (Sorry in advanced) :/
If you are a voice actor it would be great if you could in game act as well
I really hope you join me in this opportunity if interested please message my Skype and I will give you details about the machinma series PLEASE reply to this forum if interested (I'm not on my Skype as much as I need to be) and I find Skype cluncky with friends
Thanks for reading :D