I Love YTtalk
I've done YouTube for a year, quit and realized I love teaching, ranting and just taking about things. I teach a class for my primary job and have done other little side gigs and movies with friends.
Voices? I have my normal one, a deep one, my SpongeBob one, old person one (with and without dentures in... No really!), Arnold Schwarzenegger voice, Aziz Ansari voice, stitch from lilo and stitch, smegol from Lord of the rings and some other silly ones. Hit me up if you need examples or links to things.
Voices? I have my normal one, a deep one, my SpongeBob one, old person one (with and without dentures in... No really!), Arnold Schwarzenegger voice, Aziz Ansari voice, stitch from lilo and stitch, smegol from Lord of the rings and some other silly ones. Hit me up if you need examples or links to things.