Gaming Looking for people to play games with


New Member
You have to be at least 14 years old. You need to have a good mic. And live in europe ( somewhere else doesn't matter but it would make things more complicated). You also need to talk decent English. I'm dutch so my English is not the best but I think it is decent.

Games I play:

Battlefield 4
Gta v
All for pc ( I am open to buy new games)
My channel name is RoFroGaming
Yo, I have most of the games listed, but I live in the us, and I'm 14 years old. I use a Blue Snowball and I have around 150 subs. I do Funny Moments and some commentary's gaming related. I have most of my games on PC. I'd hope you have games like CS even though I'm bad tbh. You can check out my channel, if the link doesn't work, my channel is FormalRaccoon. Good luck!
Yo, I have most of the games listed, but I live in the us, and I'm 14 years old. I use a Blue Snowball and I have around 150 subs. I do Funny Moments and some commentary's gaming related. I have most of my games on PC. I'd hope you have games like CS even though I'm bad tbh. You can check out my channel, if the link doesn't work, my channel is FormalRaccoon. Good luck!
what games do you have?