Gaming Looking for people to collaborate with on game analysis videos.


New Member

I have a channel with about 500 subs which focusses on game analysis videos in which I review every aspect of a game in a humorous manner.

If you want to join me, you'll just need the following:

- decent mic
- at least 16 years old (due to the videos requiring analytical thinking and jokes)
- I want you to tell me what game you'd like to cover the most personally

If you're interested, either answer on this thread or hit me up on Discord: DomDom#3310
I've been poking at the idea of getting into gaming related videos since before I started my channel as I've grown up playing them since the days of Nintendo and the like...

And been in video game development for over 10 years...


1. What kinds of games?
2. Would discord be the audio platform of collab?
3. Is being funny mandatory?
4. How frequently would you like to make videos?
5. How long do you intend the videos to be?
6. How would we remotely view the same game that's being reviewed
7. Do you do the editing? | NickDoddTV | twitter | instagram | YouTube
Thanks for being interested!

So, to answer your questions:

1. Anything really. You can tell me what you enjoy, so we'll find games both of us feel comfortable with covering. I'm a big Action Game and RPG game, I also love Platformers to death.

2. Yeah, either Discord, Skype or whatever. The most professional way to do it would be to write the script together and then each record our lines separately and edit them to our liking.

3. It's not mandatory, I want the analysis videos to not feel boring, so I can put in some funny lines in myself.

4. Since analysis videos are hard to make and take a long time, with scripting, recording and editing, I'd say one video every 2 weeks would seem realistic.

5. Depends on the game. If we'd cover a SNES game there is obviously not as much to talk about compared to a PS2 game.
I'd say the very rough estimate would be between 15 to 45 minutes.

6. Well, first off both of us would have to play the game first and take notes while doing so. After that, anything counts. We don't both have to have the exact same opinion on stuff. I think that is what makes an analysis really unique.

7. If you want me to, I am perfectly capable of doing so, yeah!
Few things. There's a neat audio recording software that enables two or more people in different locations to be in the same recording session...its part of REAPER.FM.

I see you mention SNES and PS2 lol... so are we talking games from all time? Not just modern games?

I feel like having a session of us talking together would be most authentic for final product, or at least for a portion of final product and add in extras as you see fit..

Overall I'm definitely interested in the idea in general. I'm a busy AF person, but I think it's possible.

I'm also wondering how the video would be distributed? | NickDoddTV | twitter | instagram | YouTube
Sounds great, I'll look into the software!

Okay I'd be down to do the recording together as well if that's what you prefer.

Yeah, games from all console generations, of course new games, too.
Any games in particular you'd like to cover?

For shorter videos we can switch channels with each upload (upload one on mine and the next one on yours etc)
With longer ones we could split them into two parts and upload them one part each.

If you have any other ideas feel free to let me know.
My consoles:
PlayStation 1
PlayStation 2
PlayStation Portable
PlayStation 3
PlayStation 4

Also have Steam on PC