Gaming looking for people for an amazing project.


I've Got It
hey guys. i have this incredible idea that me and some others can do. What id like to do is recreate/reenact videos on a new channel. So how we would do this is wed all pick someone to be (lets go with a vanossgaming video, the hoodini one) someone would be vanoss, someone would be moo, someone would be mini, someone would be wildcat, and h20. and we'd reenact the whole video, make it the same way, the same edits, the same length, and everything. i think that would be awesome. If youd like to join me. let me know by adding me and sending me a message on Discord. my username is MellishGaming#9650
I think this could really work and be funny for everyone.
All I need you to do is have a good microphone and be mature and respectful.
hmm. the Idea is amazing, but the possibility exists that we would receive plenty of backlash from their fans, we would be re enacting it for comedy purposes, but the fans would think that we would be trying to steal their ideas or copy them, Its good in theory but I don't know how its going to work in practice, so its a gamble, but I, am a gambling man.
I'd say if you wanna do something like that, you'd have to put a screen up for the first like 5 secs of the video saying it was a parody or recreation, and all rights go to the respective owners
I'd say if you wanna do something like that, you'd have to put a screen up for the first like 5 secs of the video saying it was a parody or recreation, and all rights go to the respective owners
Ive named the channel recreation gaming, so its obvious its a parody