This falls under advice column "How to manage your youtube channel" You have too many shorts. Many of them are triplicates. Delete the duplicates/triplicates with the least number of views.
Let's critique your most recent video. "How to polish metal using a bench grinder". Your channel is about restoration, is it not? So the title of the video should reflect that. "Restoring an old carpentry tool to look like new", "How to give your old carpentry tool new life", "Reviving my old carpentry tool". If you had featured more than one tool, then you could have went with something like, "How to make your old tools look like new using a bench grinder". Taking the video as-is, I would reword the title something like "Using a bench grinder to polish my old carpentry tool". How many people understand that you're performing electrolysis to remove rust? A quick preview of your other videos reveals no on screen text or narration to explain what's happening. Assume that some people know nothing when watching the videos. Also assume that they can get lost real quick if you're too technical/detailed in explanation. If people don't know quite what they're watching or don't understand what they're watching, they'll lose interest quickly. Did you know that when people stop watching your video within the first 20 seconds or so that it negatively affects how the youtube algorithm promotes that video? You need to hook viewers within the first few seconds. Add B-roll clips to the beginning of your videos displaying a couple of highlights- this will have to be done in video processing prior to uploading to youtube.
Tip: Both the shorts and b-roll clips for video introduction can be made to be like mini version of movie trailers. In other words- make the viewer want to see more- make want to watch the video.
Summary: Manage the channel and the videos, improved titles, text and or narration to inform viewers, utilize video intros and shorts to drive traffic to the full videos.