Looking for designer to create me a logo for my channel and or my background (700 subs)

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New Member
I am look for a free designer to make me a logo/background for my channel on YouTube
The channel has over 700 subscribers and i will be sure to give the editor a shout out and feature him/her.
If you would like to contact me at :
INSIGHTOP@live.com or contact me on YouTube : MrInsightGaming

Thank you :)
Help us help you.

What are you looking for in a banner? Tell us a bit about yourself, your style, what you do on youtube, etc.

Helps give designers a base to start their work on.[DOUBLEPOST=1367436979,1367436757][/DOUBLEPOST]
700 subs with no videos... seems legit...

Oooh, nice catch. Haha perhaps I wouldn't bother then xD

Insight, I'd like to see some real effort put into your content before I put effort into content for you!
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