Is there any particular site that allows collaboration that isn't NewTubers?

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Liking YTtalk
It seems that no matter what I do as a YouTube gamer I always get banned from Reddit for trying to build up a gaming community/podcast. NewTubers just axed me today, just looking for other alternatives here that aren't always on my back?
YTtalk allows collaborations, but it must be based on a collaboration video idea. Advertising a community is not allowed. Here is our collaboration forum:

But please make sure any thread you post follows the collaboration forum rules:

It's a good place to find some people to collaborate with, especially if you are an active forum member. :)

Anything is better than NewTubers I suppose. While I do want to build on community ideas I do have plenty of video ideas I could easily share for people to decide if they want to get into things or not.
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