Is Anyone Afraid of Being A Youtube Success?

I just read an article about Zoe (Zoella) and it was just terrible. The journalist just touted her as a doe-eyed, make-up obsessed, factory-made YTer but overlooked all of the good work she does and the successes she's had. That's probably the thing I don't want the most - haters and the like. But it is what it is...
I've never really had a problem with it, however I am an extrovert and I love meeting people. I think having someone on the street say "hey, you're that YouTube guy!" would just make my day. I already love it when I meet people on these forums who have watched my videos.
I'm an Introvert like you, but you're brave girl! At least you're brave enough to talk in-front of the camera ;/

Due to the success you're getting so fast, you probably didn't think about what will happen in the future.
For now it is kind of too late to turn back?

Since you're this successful now you should embrace it. Your Fans look up to you like an Icon they want to follow.
And this is a change that you will have to face it and get used to it. The more your channel grows the more you will get attention from your fans.
They love you and waiting for you to love them back =)

Thanks for Sharing =)
I'm an Introvert like you, but you're brave girl! At least you're brave enough to talk in-front of the camera ;/

Due to the success you're getting so fast, you probably didn't think about what will happen in the future.
For now it is kind of too late to turn back?

Since you're this successful now you should embrace it. Your Fans look up to you like an Icon they want to follow.
And this is a change that you will have to face it and get used to it. The more your channel grows the more you will get attention from your fans.
They love you and waiting for you to love them back =)

Thanks for Sharing =)

Wow. They love you and are waiting for you to love them back.

Wow. Wow. How do you suggest I do that? Love them back?
Nah bruh, bring on the fame! :cool:

And the free cupcakes.

Okay, yeah obviously the privacy thing would be a bit of a problem, but like, haters and the like is just something that comes with the program. Even the smallest of YouTubers have haters. Nobody can avoid that. I don't know... Right away I think of CM Punk and his whole deal. He got to WWE after working his a** off for what, 10 years. He became a worldwide star so he had to expect that people would bug him and act like they know him, when they really don't. It's like asking to have your cake and eat it too. If you want one thing, you've gotta have the other.
Wow. They love you and are waiting for you to love them back.

Wow. Wow. How do you suggest I do that? Love them back?
Like what you're doing currently? Doing meet ups? doing give aways... Doing Q&A. Or interact back saying thanks for the support and you love them. Or think of what you can do to give back to the fans that supports you. People that you don't know might be having a difficult time but after watching your vids, u made them smile or change their life which they like to thank you or asking you to give them attention.
I'm not afraid of success but I am still very cautious about keeping my daughters safe.
We have been getting recognized more and more often in public and every interaction has been a very positive one. I like that we seem to be making people happy.
I have been a Youtuber since 2007 and recently I have been getting about 5 subs a day. That's quite a lot and a few time I have been recognized on the street. The other day I got an email from a subscriber detailing how she always thinks of me and considers me to be her BFF even though we haven't met.

I really want the money that comes with being a superstar Youtuber but I don't know about the fame and recognition part. It kind of scares me that people I don't know desire to be close to me emotionally. I am open on my Youtube channel but in real life I am an extreme introvert, I never want to be noticed, don't like meeting new people, etc.

I love making my videos but I'm kind of scared to get more subscribers and fans. Right now I host a MeetUp group for my subscribers and it always feels weird that I meet people who know all about me and I don't even know their names or that they exist. Does anyone feel this way. It's kind of scary. I don't want to disappoint people who say they love me but I also don't want to compromise who I am- which is an introvert, happy to be alone.
That is some deep ish, right there. I know that when it comes to youtbe success, I would love to have a whole lot bigger audience, and people I can just post videos up for. The money would be awesome. When doing those group meet you ever feel uncomfortable or even like you have to force yourself to not be introverted?