Is Anyone Afraid of Being A Youtube Success?

I.Y.U ? Not bad really, though no one would turn up to the meetings! :p

Well maybe let me know what you think? Obviously viewers aren't entitled to anything just because they subscribe, like and comment on your videos but at the same time we feel the need to go out of our way for strangers who we do. I love the community aspect but I don't see the need for fans; we're just content creators and viewers :)

I think I like you. That is so true. We are content creators. Creators of entertainment and information for the masses. That's pretty important though. The watchers need something to watch. Everyone can't be a creator.
I think I like you. That is so true. We are content creators. Creators of entertainment and information for the masses. That's pretty important though. The watchers need something to watch. Everyone can't be a creator.

A problem we're probably having right now maybe? Everyone's creating content :)
A problem we're probably having right now maybe? Everyone's creating content :)

Not everyone. Definitely more than usual in the past because now we can create for ourselves instead of having to be chosen by some studio execs. I love that I can create what I want to see in the world and have it appreciated without asking for permission from anyone. May the creme of the crop rise to the top!
Not everyone. Definitely more than usual in the past because now we can create for ourselves instead of having to be chosen by some studio execs. I love that I can create what I want to see in the world and have it appreciated without asking for permission from anyone. May the creme of the crop rise to the top!

Being able to experiment with editing, lighting and audio is something I've never had the opportunity to do before so for that I'm thankful. At this time in my life where I struggle to find motivation for anything, I can still create content!
See, i'm more inclined to take 'fame' over money.
Namely because I want to share my music with everyone and hopefully network with people like, higher up and in the industry, but yeah. Not really afraid of being a success. Having said that with my branding, content and personality, I doubt i'll fill anything other than a small niche. :p
I can understand feeling that way, but it's only a small part of it for me. I mean, I'm always afraid of success because it can lead to huge responsibilities and all of that, plus the pressure...and the backstabbing if others get jealous... But, in the end, I want to reach out to people and if that gets me income and fame, I can deal with it.
I am worried as there is nude photos of me floating around the web that may be used as blackmail against me.. :/