
Jenna no manga

YTtalk Mad
I was suggested to make a intro trailer for my channel but I just do not know how to make one andf what to put in it ... Like a montage of what I have + a voice over it. Or just me saying what my channel is about? I am really wondering if it is not easier to have people just go through my videos :unsure2:
I am with you there. I spent ages trying to think of something for a railer but n the end just decided to have my latest video i it's place. I may get round to doing a trailer eventually if I can think of something but it's not that easy
I ended up making a video in my voiceover style, simply saying what I do, well in my *amazing* sense of humour... because there is that Fan Finder option on Youtube.
But if you want a good channel intro/ad, look at the String Player Gamer. That guy's 2015 trailer was good. Made me start watching anyway. Check it out for inspiration if you think you want to make one (even though his had no words)
I ended up making a video in my voiceover style, simply saying what I do, well in my *amazing* sense of humour... because there is that Fan Finder option on Youtube.
But if you want a good channel intro/ad, look at the String Player Gamer. That guy's 2015 trailer was good. Made me start watching anyway. Check it out for inspiration if you think you want to make one (even though his had no words)

Wow that is a high quality trailer , I do not think I can achieve anything similar haha
If you search in the Youtube Creator playbook, there's a huge page on channel trailers and it's really useful. There's also a ton of other good stuff in that playbook!
There is a youtube creator playbool.. The ignorance :eeks:

Haha whaaaa I didn't know this either. I was gonna say that I see a mix of people who personally record themselves in the channel trailer and encourage people to sub. I've seen montages and voice overs. I don't think I could do a good enough job talking about my channel so for now I just leave an actual gameplay video in that spot. I'm not sure if one way has had more success than the other. :Blackalien2: