I'm confused on the videos that have been posted on other sites.

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Fujimi Warriors
A few of my older videos have been posted on sites and this one is starting to get viewed more again it's on the front page of thevideogameawards(dot)com and also recently posted on 3djuegos(dot)com

And this video was on kotaku(dot)com a while ago but this video is one of my least favorite, but it got views.

and at least 5 other older videos have been posted 2 or more websites (a while ago) making them be viewed a lot, but i don't under stand why these websites are picking my videos that are not even that good.
--- merged: Apr 14, 2012 9:44 PM ---
the epic fail video is good but that is my only one that is good and has been posted on other sites.
They decide what is good lol in these cases not you . If they like those better then they use them they usually have reasons that you wont agree with haha. If you want to know maybe ask them but it may be because they didnt see the others or maybe they genuinely like those better. I saw some of your stuff you had made a "musical logo" that may be why those aren't used. If you had music they dont want that unless its their music. The musical part was cute but a bit distracting made you focus on the logo and not the movie. This is all opinion and if you want to know the real reason you will have to ask them. :)
oh no, i am happy they did that i just wish they posted some of my better videos:D
ahhh, I've been there. I spent no time making my cookie monster video, it was just a random nothing little thing I did and just happened to film, then spent tons of time coming up with the script for "Fruit and Nuts and Monkey Butts" and couldn't wait for people to watch it and love it and like it! And then cookie monster video's views just kept rising and Fruit and Nuts just dwindled and cookie monster was getting more likes and I was like "really? One of these videos is just me being stupid on the spot, the other I put effort into, and you like my random stupidness more??"
ahhh, I've been there. I spent no time making my cookie monster video, it was just a random nothing little thing I did and just happened to film, then spent tons of time coming up with the script for "Fruit and Nuts and Monkey Butts" and couldn't wait for people to watch it and love it and like it! And then cookie monster video's views just kept rising and Fruit and Nuts just dwindled and cookie monster was getting more likes and I was like "really? One of these videos is just me being stupid on the spot, the other I put effort into, and you like my random stupidness more??"

I totally get this. On DeviantART my most favourited piece is a stupid little comic strip I did years ago with a joke about Alucard and Sephiroths p***s.
Its dumb and took like all of 10 minutes to make. Yet my other pieces I spent days on barely get any notice.
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