Idea for Dislikes! Message to YouTube!!

Cam Kirkham

I've Got It
Hi everyone! My channel is less than 3 weeks old. I have uploaded 5 videos and they have became quite popular with one just about to hit 2k. Because my channel has grown quite quickly in a short amount of time there is obviously going to be some people out there who won't like it! Dislikers, we've all had them! I think YouTube should make a add on so if the person is going to dislike the video they should automatically have to leave a comment why they disliked the video, if they don't, they can't dislike it.

I believe this would stop the casual viewers who just press dislike and leave. On the other hand it could also help us the creators improve our content as people who care are giving their honest opinion on the matter!

Thanks guys let me know what you think in the comments down below and if you have experienced dislikes worth noting on your videos!
Eh, dislikes help you rank higher in the search engine. Also I have a feeling a lot of the replies you would get if they were forced to give one would be "Cuz ur a fggt' or something along those lines. I doubt you would get much actually helpful feedback from this.
I have a feeling if its automatically prompted, they'd just leave this:




Which is useless anyways.

Also, everyone is bound to get dislikes. Sometimes, if lucky they'd dislike because of the content, which can be improved over time. If unlucky, they'd just dislike because they just don't like you, which sucks, unless you want or can change yourself.

For me, the only negativity I get in comments are when they think I'm a kid or when they hate my voice (I don't know if they left a dislike or not either). So can't really do anything about it. :(
I have a feeling if its automatically prompted, they'd just leave this:




Which is useless anyways.

Also, everyone is bound to get dislikes. Sometimes, if lucky they'd dislike because of the content, which can be improved over time. If unlucky, they'd just dislike because they just don't like you, which sucks, unless you want or can change yourself.

For me, the only negativity I get in comments are when they think I'm a kid or when they hate my voice (I don't know if they left a dislike or not either). So can't really do anything about it. :(
I know what your saying but wouldn't it be much better to see who has disliked the video and how they can help us improve our content?
I have a feeling if its automatically prompted, they'd just leave this:




Which is useless anyways.

Also, everyone is bound to get dislikes. Sometimes, if lucky they'd dislike because of the content, which can be improved over time. If unlucky, they'd just dislike because they just don't like you, which sucks, unless you want or can change yourself.

For me, the only negativity I get in comments are when they think I'm a kid or when they hate my voice (I don't know if they left a dislike or not either). So can't really do anything about it. :(
Exactly, I know a decent half of my dislikes are spite because I didn't like some dude's videos when he asked me to.
Eh, dislikes help you rank higher in the search engine. Also I have a feeling a lot of the replies you would get if they were forced to give one would be "Cuz ur a fggt' or something along those lines. I doubt you would get much actually helpful feedback from this.
That is true however the process of having to leave a comment may stop some people who simply are just going round to dislike videos because it takes less than a second to leave a dislike however leaving a comment adds time and most people won't want to waste time on something they won't watch again
I know what your saying but wouldn't it be much better to see who has disliked the video and how they can help us improve our content?
I don't see how knowing who disliked the video is much better other than increasing your anger/hate/negative thoughts which can now be directed to a specific person.

But yes, IF you can get them to not ignore your plead of asking what made them dislike the video then sure its a good thing, unless they just don't like you. lol which is still a possibility, if so, you can't really do anything about it. lol[DOUBLEPOST=1468832910,1468832771][/DOUBLEPOST]
That is true however the process of having to leave a comment may stop some people who simply are just going round to dislike videos because it takes less than a second to leave a dislike however leaving a comment adds time and most people won't want to waste time on something they won't watch again
I get what you mean there. It works against other content creators but not on normal users or people who uses other accounts specifically for watching youtube videos.
Especially when your new, like me, your gonna get a fair amount of dislikes. But honestly I dont think they disliked the video but just did it simply because we are new... Some people man