I Need Some Sketch & Short Film Ideas

Why not real life experiences interpreted by your imagination. For instance, let's say... you had an Earth Science project and you were handling a superworm, which are much more disgusting that regular worms. Can you even define it as a "worm"?!?!?! Anyway, I did some funny remody of my own where, instead of being disgusted as I was when I saw them, in my video, I said, "THOSE AREN'T WORMS! They're puppies! :bounce:"

Also, I know that tips aren't the best way to get ideas for a short film so I'll just give you one off the top of my head!

Maybe a video on the public interestests in this day and time. What fads are people raving about? Why? How come people like some and then just leave it for a totally different topic? What made cats so popular?

I hope this helped!
The writer of Dracula is Irish if I remember correctly. Why not do a "What if" sketch where Dracula is Irish?
What the spirit realm is really like if every living thing crosses over? (There will be lots of pigs, chickens, cows, fish, bugs etc not to mention dinosaurs)
The boring life of a ghost? All you hear with majority of ghost stories is how they stand by windows and turn lights on and off.....seems pretty dull to me lol Would be hilarious if you did it from the perspective of the ghost lol
The writer of Dracula is Irish if I remember correctly. Why not do a "What if" sketch where Dracula is Irish?
What the spirit realm is really like if every living thing crosses over? (There will be lots of pigs, chickens, cows, fish, bugs etc not to mention dinosaurs)
The boring life of a ghost? All you hear with majority of ghost stories is how they stand by windows and turn lights on and off.....seems pretty dull to me lol Would be hilarious if you did it from the perspective of the ghost lol
Mind if I do the ghost thingy? :cold:
Take a look around you and find something that perks your interest - it could be your tissue box (for example). Then make a story around that object or integrate it as a small portion into your sketch. Brainstorm and write off a script and stuff for that object and it'll turn out good.
Thanks everybody, I'll try to work on some ideas you gave me & see what I can create(I was having some writer's block there for a while). :)