I love reviewing and giving feedback, link me your channel and I'll analyse it!

Yo dude, could you review this for me?
I'm finding my views are okay but the subs won't rise. Wondering what I can do to improve?
Our latest video is (in my opinion) our best and marks a new direction for our once boring-same-old-lets-play-channel. What do you think of our branding, our new editing style, video length etc.?

Take a look at these 2. Looking especially on how well the writing and editing is. I've upgraded mics since then

good informative videos, a few vids a month which for this type of content is plenty enough. Make sure to improve your thumbnail and try to talk louder/with more enthusiasm, sometimes you sound monotone. Banner and channel logo are good as wellOther than that great stuff, i like it a lot, subbed!:D[DOUBLEPOST=1464388673,1464388053][/DOUBLEPOST]
review my channel?
Okay so, most viewed vid is +3k, and youve been on this for over 2 years now according to your uploads, recently you started uploading quickly and are nearing 400 subs.

Suggestions: Make your thumbnails shine, they are plane and not eye catching enough! More colours, bigger letter etc you know the drill:D
Also, sometimes your music is cringy, gaming and rap stuff doesnt always go. You do have some consistent views for the game you're playing so what I would do to f*****g sky rocket your channel is :f*****g commentaries bro, get a mic and get on it! post your highlights, funny moments, tips trick etc and with this you'll build a channel following where after that is done you can start doing commentaries about life and what ever topic it is you want to talk about, your subs will listen.
Quality is good enough but try aiming for 1080 60 fps assuming you're playing on pc!

Potential and the niche is there, just get some commentaries going and get some proper edit non copyrighted music:D
Your banner is f*****g amazing but your avatar is..I don't know, simple? after looking at your banner it doesnt suit the theme at all, maybe try doing something about the background colour of it or somt!

GG so far, keep going and dont stop, and dont forget the promoting![DOUBLEPOST=1464389094][/DOUBLEPOST]Thanks again.

Banner and logo are nice.
You do lets plays and include a facecam, audio and video quality are o-okay, but when you say your name dont include the 94. Just say Winger;) it sounds cooler and doesnt make you seem like a total noob <3
Also for your videos I watched a few, cut out the boring parts. Watch the video before uploading and see where you are bored. Cut those out, or get a friend and make him make notes on papers at what time he got bored, cut those out. Lets plays are cutting cutting cutting content untill it becomes a really nice video! Us small channels cannot permit 10 minute videos of just....well, gameplay, I learned this the hard way

So a tip would be try to keep them 5-8 minutes. And seeing as you;re playing horror games, maybe make a scare jump montage or something, people like that.

Your about section is good as well and you upload daily which is food but the views are lacking, meaning better thumbnails and better promotion on twitter!:D

Good luck![DOUBLEPOST=1464389243][/DOUBLEPOST]Okay guys tomorrow morning I'll come back for the rest of you and do reviews!

So far so good and just general advice on promoting on twitter, better thumbnails and tags

ill do that tomorrow for all of ya.

Im making a guide on how to get your first 100 subs and how to do proper promotion and thumbnails etc.

Goodnight! <3
Thanks man! As for the voice, I had to avoid distortion on the mic but now I can be louder as I upgraded mics thanks again
Thank you for the feedback Breaker! Yea I'm debated on the 94 in my nick and I tried saying it without the numbers but I feel like something is missing, I hope this won't be one of the reasons for not growing but I think not!

Yeah also I need to reduce the length by a bit with the removal of the most boring parts, but I don't want my videos to become just a sort of highlights compilations, I'll need to find a middle way!

Thanks again!
This sounds like an awesome way to get some feedback! I just recently started, let me know what you think!