I like seeing different channels! LET ME REVIEW YOU, YO!

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Hey I would love if you could check out my channel and tell me what you think :)
I like the style of your banner, but the font is a little hard to read. Maybe a drop shadow could make it pop a little more? I'm not sure though.
You talk a little fast, and it makes it hard to understand what you are saying sometimes :(
Also, your banners are pretty okay. I mean, they could be a little more eye-catching, but they aren't THAT bad.

I hope I helped you out! :D[DOUBLEPOST=1465773756,1465773091][/DOUBLEPOST]
uh sorry to be a bit of a pushover, but did you see my post? if you didnt could you please give me some feedback on my channel. :)
Okie dokie. So the writing on your banner is too big. It's even behind your picture :( Speaking of your picture, it is unique but doesn't really match your banner. It would be nice if your banner were the same style or vice versa. It would be nice to see the style of the picture, though. Just to make your banner more unique and not 'generic gamer-y' no offense to you.
Your sound quality isn't horrible! That's a plus :D
Your intro is pretty cool! I've never seen one like that before :D but I see that you play other games except for minecraft sometimes. Are you focused mainly on Minecraft? It looks that way. Hey, maybe that is something you could incorporated into your banner too! Maybe. Not telling you what to do :p

I hope that I have helped you. If you want me to check anything else out specifically, let me know!
I would love it if you would review my channel, especially the "Other Fun Stuff" playlist. I know the one video was cut kind of short, but that was because my mom (who hates YouTube) came home and I had to stop filming early. :/
Thanks so much for your generosity, this is helping alot of people! Wondering if you could review/give me feedback on my channel? Probably alot different channel than anything else you have seen, but you can take a look at my other videos for my commentating, thanks :)

I like the style of your banner, but the font is a little hard to read. Maybe a drop shadow could make it pop a little more? I'm not sure though.
You talk a little fast, and it makes it hard to understand what you are saying sometimes :(
Also, your banners are pretty okay. I mean, they could be a little more eye-catching, but they aren't THAT bad.

I hope I helped you out! :D[DOUBLEPOST=1465773756,1465773091][/DOUBLEPOST]
Okie dokie. So the writing on your banner is too big. It's even behind your picture :( Speaking of your picture, it is unique but doesn't really match your banner. It would be nice if your banner were the same style or vice versa. It would be nice to see the style of the picture, though. Just to make your banner more unique and not 'generic gamer-y' no offense to you.
Your sound quality isn't horrible! That's a plus :D
Your intro is pretty cool! I've never seen one like that before :D but I see that you play other games except for minecraft sometimes. Are you focused mainly on Minecraft? It looks that way. Hey, maybe that is something you could incorporated into your banner too! Maybe. Not telling you what to do :p

I hope that I have helped you. If you want me to check anything else out specifically, let me know!
Thank you! :)
Hey there! I am currently at almost 600 subs and I would really appreciate it if you would review my channel and let me know what I could do better!
Here's a link to one of my newest vids:
Thanks :)
I really like your banner. It's nice and clean and I like the little picture of you guys :D
I like that in your trailer you have a whole mess of things lol
A lot of of your videos are really really really really long, but I guess since you have over 10k subs maybe you can get away with that. I don't know if a lot of people are going to watch 1 hour-2 hour videos, but I could be wrong because you do have views there. Looking back, I can see they are live streams so you probably couldn't help it being so long. I GET IT NOW.
I just feel like they could get a lot more views :( but I do get how people would watch a long video. I wanted to watch the who YouTubers Life video because the game seems SO ridiculous. haha
I like that your font on your thumbnails are consistant.
You seem very natural and seem to have a lot of fun doing this. :D
I hope I helped and if you want me to check out more, let me know!.

That's very nice of you. Agreed on the long vids but take the YouTubers life for example. I made sure to add long play to the title and was tempted to split it up but on watching it back I really felt that the flow is good enough to just leave it as one. I know exactly what you mean about that side of things. Generally I am for 20 minute vids but even that's tough.

The views thing drives me nuts because we have a large sub base but it's hard to get a very large number of them engaged off the bat.

Really appreciate your feedback and glad you like what we are doing. Thanks.
I would love it if you would review my channel, especially the "Other Fun Stuff" playlist. I know the one video was cut kind of short, but that was because my mom (who hates YouTube) came home and I had to stop filming early. :/
I cursed at someone under one of your cover videos, so I'm going to apologize about that now. Sorry. I just can't deal with rude people.
You seem to really like what you are doing, so don't let anyone make you feel bad for having fun :(

Are you using a webcam to film your videos? I think I saw the reflection in your glasses :p It's not really the best visually and audibly (am I using that word right? lmfao) but I know that you probably have no choice but to use it.

Also, sometimes it seems like you are scripted and your words don't seem to be coming out conversationally. If you aren't scripted, just relax and talk to us like you are talking to a friend :) but if you are, just pretend that it is the first time you have said that. :D I hope that I helped some! :D[DOUBLEPOST=1465830137,1465828726][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey CristyTango, come check out my channel, its pretty cool!
At the beginning of your love doctor video, instead of showing gameplay and saying your disclaimer, it would have been cool if you wrote it like they do on Jackass and just show the words. Also there were a lot of 'UMs' at the beginning that you could have done without. I know that's hard though.

I wish that your channel name was bigger in your banner. It's soooo small. I think that space could be better used, honestly. I do like that you have a schedule that includes a time too. I could never do that...[DOUBLEPOST=1465831272][/DOUBLEPOST]
Thanks so much for your generosity, this is helping alot of people! Wondering if you could review/give me feedback on my channel? Probably alot different channel than anything else you have seen, but you can take a look at my other videos for my commentating, thanks :)

You said a kajillion times that you were going to do a 'Road to riches' video in your first video. It was too much :( :( :( You also said that you were doing the same thing that all the YouTubers are doing. Yeah you said that you were going to show your inventory which is good, but you said it a few times and that leaves the question STILL 'what is special about you, why are you doing what everyone else is doing?' You gotta be more confident.

Your banner is pretty okay, I just wish the purple didn't shine through so it would pop more. That's just me though. Your profile pic also doesn't match with your banner so maybe make the banner the same style or vice versa.

I hope that I helped! :D
Hi I'd like a review please! Of anything or everything. Videos, thumbnails, channel art, etc. Please feel free to make suggestions. Thank you in advance :)
Hey there! I am currently at almost 600 subs and I would really appreciate it if you would review my channel and let me know what I could do better!
Here's a link to one of my newest vids:
Thanks :)
I want your bunny.
You have a nice camera
You are entertaining to watch! You don't seem to try too hard, and look like you are having fun. :) I wish that you said something more creative than "What's up guys, my name is Joey Awesome" Every gamer starts off their videos like that and I feel like you are pretty much doing everything right BUT that. That could be better.
Nice Netflix and Chill song hahaha
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