How to Make Clickable Thumbnails that Gets Views 2018

Boris Qs

I Love YTtalk
Do you want to attract more viewers to your videos? Have you thought about using custom thumbnails to attract more viewers?

A video thumbnail is like a movie cover. It sells your video to potential viewers. An attractive, eye-catching thumbnail entice viewers to click through to your video.
In this video I will show you some tricks on how to Improve your custom thumbnails to attract more viewers as I review the Its Jo channel.

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Following the recent youtube changes, Do you need 1K subs or 4K watch hours in the past 12 months, or both?...what happens if your channel drops below that 4000hrs after you channel has been monetized....How do you check your channel watch hours?

If you have been asking yourself questions like these and still haven't had the answers to them

Then you have to watch the most frequently asked questions about the recent changes on the youtube platform in this video

Tube Mechanics Note Guide
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There is no one hit and run way that leads to a 1000 subs... well except of course your video gets viral.However there are 3 ways that goes almost simultaneously together that can help lead you to 1000 subs fast.

The first way has to do with getting your channel ready for a 1000 subs.If you are interested to know in details what that means plus the other 2 ways,... then you have to watch the video for more on that. Invite only Link

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