How long does it take to make a Tasty-style tutorial video?


New Member
Hello all!

I'm curious how long you think it would take for one person, filming and editing to create a motion graphic-heavy (intros, outtros, popups, callouts, some cute animations, all made from scratch at the start of the project) instructional/product promotional video? How long do you think this would take in a professional setting per 8 hour work day?

Is 3 days (about 25 hours total with notes and reedits) too long?

Thanks in advance :)
To be honest, this is a difficult question to answer, as there are many factors that will play a role in the amount of time it takes to produce a video similar to the type you mentioned.

Editors that are used to creating a certain type of video will always be quicker than editors used to creating a different type of video. Also, some computers are faster and more efficient.

One thing for certain, however, is that the more videos you create, the easier (and faster) creating videos becomes.
I actually made one for a client once. Really quick what happened.

- Had to come up with a way the camera can look down on a table. Brain stormed
- Bought PVC piping, made a rig to hold the camera flat
- Set up lighting
- Did some test runs.
- Think we had to go buy a few nicer looking bowls
- filmed it
- filmed it again (if you can do it twice, might as well if everything is set up correctly, plus, hey, free food! :) )
- Take LOTS of still frames of the final product, even stage a few things. If something goes wrong with the video, it could save you, plus this will help with YT Thumbnails.
- tear down

Probably all together took 20 man hours (5-7 hours were building the rig) and 3 people. (2 would work too). Here is one of the final versions:

Hope I helped!