How long did it take you to get to 100 subs?

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Just asking but how did it take y'all to get there? It took me and my friend under a year to get this channel to 100 and I'm just curious as to how long it took for you guys, so I'd love to see your replies.
I think I already answered that question, not sure though :) Anyway, it took me 6 and a half months to get to 100 subs :) For 200 subs 3 months and for 300 subs a little less than 3 months. However, three months have passed since 300 subs and I'm still on under 400, so you never know how these things will work :)
I think I already answered that question, not sure though :) Anyway, it took me 6 and a half months to get to 100 subs :) For 200 subs 3 months and for 300 subs a little less than 3 months. However, three months have passed since 300 subs and I'm still on under 400, so you never know how these things will work :)

Damn thats pretty dope, took me and my friend like 8 months to get 100 but we're only at 140 right now but im still going for my goal of reaching 200 subs by the end of the year
I think it took about 6 months to get 100 subscribers, it was only because someone shouted me out!
As of right now, I have stagnated in the subs, and noticing the sub glitch every time I upload! But as long as I get the views, it is fine!
When calculating it from the time I created the channel I would say it took me about 2yrs to hit my first 100subs and that's because I was not taking my channel serious at that time not posting often, simply not caring about it.

However, since then things started to change after a started putting in some work and that was just as early as March this year. Since then I have gained over 259 more subs within 3 months.
That's amazing I currently have 2 subscribers, but I am currently satisfied with them.
I want to gain an audience where interaction is more important than subs and views.
Sometimes I can be impatient, but I do not really seek for fame and fortune, to be honest.
I care more about how much they enjoy it and, if the video is good or not.

As I see by socialblade historical statistics It was roughly a year to get to 100 subs for my main channel. While subscribers are very important for a channel, I am more focused on making the best videos that will keep viewers interested than following the exact count of subscribers.
It took us around 2 weeks.

I do want to state though, don't let this discourage you we got very lucky in the beginning our first few videos included 2 collaborations which made us get boosted very quickly in the start.
It took me around 2 years, but I wasn't taking it seriously at all so I'm not surprised at all by it haha
So hit 100 in April 2015, but I hit 200 in July 2015 and 300 in dec 2015... Haven't been making much progress since then... oops hahaha
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