How did this designer do this?

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I Love YTtalk
Hello all! I was looking through a website that I may be applying for an internship at. And I noticed a design trick that I would like to know how was made.

It seems rather simple, But I'm curious nonetheless.


The part that I am curious about is how they merged the two pictures together, the notebook picture and the globe picture.

Is it just using two different gradients that gradient into transparency with a white background underneath?

I use Photoshop CS6

Anyway, if anyone feels like showing off their smartypantness I would be greatly appreciative :). And would definitely shell you out a like on your post xD
I actually found out a way that goes pretty quick and gets really nice results.

Have the two images on two different layers.

Apply a layer mask over the image in the top layer.

Select the gradient tool using a "black to white" gradient.

Then while having the layer mask selected, simply use the gradient tool to get the result you like, then you can use the soft eraser tool for more detailed effects. Here is quick sample image I did, they aren't made to flow into each other very well, just showing off the effect I'm describing.

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