Gaming Hi, i'm Looking For a Collab and a Good Time, How About You?


Active Member
My name is Reag4n (pronounced Ray-gan), and I am looking for fellow youtubers to collaborate with.

Possible Games:
Team Fortress 2 (my favorite), Call of Duty: World at War, Minecraft, Fortnite, Terraria, or Cs:Go

Relatively Good PC (not choppy when recording),Over 12+ Years of Age, good mic (my decision), Good Sense of Humor, Somewhat Talkative,
Has 35 or more subs, and is willing to work as a team

Thank you all for reading this, and I look forward to collaborating with you!
Hello, Reag4n! I am Jason Pruitt I have over 300 subs on YouTube and I am totally down to collab with you!

Games I have on your list: Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, CS:GO

8GB Ram PC

13 Years of Age

I love talking, and I think/hope I tell funny jokes.
Hello, Reag4n! I am Jason Pruitt I have over 300 subs on YouTube and I am totally down to collab with you!

Games I have on your list: Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, CS:GO

8GB Ram PC

13 Years of Age

I love talking, and I think/hope I tell funny jokes.

Hi Jason! I checked out your channel, and thought it was great, I'd be very excited to collab!

Please message me on Discord, my tag is:
Wassup Reag4n,I'm Eric Cam (cam isn't my last name),I've got around 40 subs on yt,and you seem like a cool person to collab with.(im 13,almost 14)
Games from ur list i have:
-minecraft ( i forgot my account and need to recover it),fortnite.
I have a relatively good pc,don't really know much more about it.
I definetely love talking,and yes,i've got a sense of humor.
Wassup Reag4n,I'm Eric Cam (cam isn't my last name),I've got around 40 subs on yt,and you seem like a cool person to collab with.(im 13,almost 14)
Games from ur list i have:
-minecraft ( i forgot my account and need to recover it),fortnite.
I have a relatively good pc,don't really know much more about it.
I definetely love talking,and yes,i've got a sense of humor.

Sounds good, add me on discord, my tag is Reag4n#7303
yo man add me on fortnite ill colab with u. Tylerharding69
I have a great mic, really good pc, over 1k subs. and love to make jokes and have a great time. im 19yrs old
yo man add me on fortnite ill colab with u. Tylerharding69
I have a great mic, really good pc, over 1k subs. and love to make jokes and have a great time. im 19yrs old

Alright! That would be great, I looked at your channel, and loved how professional it was. Hit me up on Discord, my tag is Reag4n#7303
Hi. im sasabucha and i have done twitch for a while and would like to start youtube and colab about minecraft and would always be interested in making vids with other lovely people as well.