Jonathan Martins
Youngest First!
how can i make my channel more, musical? more to do with my videos?
i am doing well man! good to hear from ya!
good to hear from bouth of you lolgood to hear from you too
musical man that means he sings ... in the shower ... thats an ideea i should do that and then upload it lolI`M GONA MAKE MILLIONS lolI'm not really sure what you're asking. What do you mean by "musical"?
well then in my opinion just focus a bit more on the music clips, like invest a bit more time in them make them official music clips you know ? and ... how can you say "just like that" when youre remembering a dream lol ... that was funny, btw nice singing, greate joblike my channel is a singing channel, but i put volgs up too, so im just wondering how i can make my channel look more like what i doo... if that makes any sense?