Active Member
Have you been getting a comment saying, "Hey! you should get more attention! Check out u2bzone(DOT)C O M" on your videos?? Well I did, and to tell you, it is a scam, DO NOT ATTEMPT IT! The point that they are trying to sell you is to go on there, buy views, subs, or likes. #1 That is against Youtube Policies. #2 It is a scam, when you buy it, they just steal your money, and don't give you anything back in return. I had an Agario video with 4 comments on it, 3 of them are to check out u2bzone, and only 1 of them was a complement/normal comment. Boy! I don't know why so many people are saying to check out a scam website! Either that, or the creator is making fake accounts. Well, wherever you see it, don't try it! Leave down in the comment section, if you've seen this on one of your videos or another person's, how we can stop it, and have you fallen for the scam? Spread the word, so people don't have to suffer!