Happy 8th Birthday YouTube

Wreckless Eating

YouTube Space LA Alumni
YouTube was created on this day 8 years ago. Do you remember the first video ever uploaded (it was uploaded on 4/23/2005)? Does anyone remember what it looked like back in 2005? Did any of you upload videos back then?
YouTube was created on this day 8 years ago. Do you remember the first video ever uploaded (it was uploaded on 4/23/2005)? Does anyone remember what it looked like back in 2005? Did any of you upload videos back then?
I joined in 2009 ;)

No1 can really argue though that Google have put alot more money into YouTube than the original owners could have.
The fact that this 240p video is better than some 360 and 480p videos I've seen recently is hilarious. The change of the site design is crazy. Glad Google bought the original owner
Only started using YouTube in 2008 and then made my first account (this one) in Jan 09 :p

Good ol' days
Yay! Go YouTube!! I joined back in 2011 but since then I think they have approved a lot.