

I'm a dude with a face and I know how to use it.
There's this site called and I was using it for like 5 min thinking there was nothing wrong with it. Then I just searched "do people from fireviews usually sub?" And found a topic in a forum where people were saying you can get your account suspended for using this site. The thing is, it's not bots at all, it's just you viewing other videos, to gain more credits sending your videos to other people. So the more you view, the more you get viewed, sounds totally legit, yet here they say it can get you disabled

But this makes NO sense to me. They are REAL views, so why on earth would they disable you for it?? Thoughts?
I have used this site!, it's amazing!, I got loads of feedback from it + likes!,

I don't see why you'd get banned for it, they are real viewers....well...I've not got banned....
I'm the founder of Fireviews, and I can say that we have never had a single complaint of anyone getting banned or anything like that by Youtube. We abide completely by all of Youtube's terms of service, so using Fireviews will not affect your Youtube account status in any way. You can even still be eligible for Youtube Partnership!
Fireviews is basically just like any other social network, like Facebook or Twitter. Youtube would not ban you for posting your video on Facebook, so there is no reason they would ban you for posting it on Fireviews either. The only difference is that Fireviews focuses on getting you viewed and increasing your popularity, instead of just talking to friends.
Fireviews does not use any scripts or bots, so all of the views you receive are legitimate and from real people. You know they're real because they give you lots of feedback at the same time.
Anyway, if anyone has any more questions, just head over to and use the contact page to email us, and I'll be happy to answer any questions.
I'm the founder of Fireviews, and I can say that we have never had a single complaint of anyone getting banned or anything like that by Youtube. We abide completely by all of Youtube's terms of service, so using Fireviews will not affect your Youtube account status in any way. You can even still be eligible for Youtube Partnership!
Fireviews is basically just like any other social network, like Facebook or Twitter. Youtube would not ban you for posting your video on Facebook, so there is no reason they would ban you for posting it on Fireviews either. The only difference is that Fireviews focuses on getting you viewed and increasing your popularity, instead of just talking to friends.
Fireviews does not use any scripts or bots, so all of the views you receive are legitimate and from real people. You know they're real because they give you lots of feedback at the same time.
Anyway, if anyone has any more questions, just head over to and use the contact page to email us, and I'll be happy to answer any questions.
Holy cow! You joined our forum that's awesome! Yeah I wish there were more discussions and people from other websites and such who were defending your site, I searched and searched for people who weren't affiliated with fireviews who would say "I've used it for a long time and had no problems" or had a counter argument, but it seems like all the positive information comes from your website itself, and then there's just this google forums discussion thread with people saying it will get you banned. But it never made any sense to me at all, I mean if youtube's gonna ban you for doing something like this how can ANYONE promote? I appreciate you taking the time to respond to this, I think I'm going to use your website and just not listen to what I read on that forum.
Is it just me or does it feel like too much of a coincidence that the founder of Fireviews joined the forum just to answer what you've said Symph?...
Is it just me or does it feel like too much of a coincidence that the founder of Fireviews joined the forum just to answer what you've said Symph?...
My post jumped to the top of the search engine on google when you look up "firewiews disable account" and things of that nature, he must have seen it and wanted to respond
I just want someone who's NOT from the fireviews website to address this.
I guess so :/ lol

A loyal founder right there
lol yeah, I just want someone who's NOT affiliated with fireviews to address this.
Hahah yes, I have a handy "Google Alert" set up, so that every time a page with the word "Fireviews" shows up on Google, it gets sent right to my email. This seemed kind of important, so I thought I'd sign up and respond.