Feedback on what you like and what i can improve on

Hello everyone
I started my channel two months ago. I came up with the title Johnnie's Random World because i wanted to do something different. I didn't want to do a set topic because i'm not organized in real life and everything i do is pretty random. So i would just like some feedback, just to see where you all think i stand and what i can improve on going into the new year.
Well, to start with, you should make a custom banner that names your channel and expresses what it is about. Secondly, your opening music is always too loud. You wanna balance the audio so people don't have to keep adjusting their volume. Thirdly, I'd say you should try to improve your thumbnails. They are all kinda bland. You could use the images you have, but cutout the bland backgrounds and put something more eye catching there. Lastly, it is always good to have a short, but informative channel trailer. The channel trailer should only be around 30 seconds long with special focus on capturing a new viewers attention in the first five seconds. The trailer will run as an ad every now and again. People can skip after 5 seconds, so you gotta catch their attention. Also, you should look into how to do audio cleanup if you wanna be really serious about your channel. Well, I hope this helps :)
I would say get some custom art done, change the setting for your front page from showing all activities and make it show your uploads only (otherwise your content can get lost. also some custom thumbnails for your videos. a channel trailer would be nice, even if it is just a quick explanation from you about what kind of random stuff goes on (although it is random so i guess you could just say that). you might want to record your audio on a mic separate to the one on the camera, although this is an investment, and it would mean that you would have to sync it before editing, it will really improve the audio quality of your videos.