Feedback On My Channel?

Cody Bowers

Super Poster
Hi, I'm looking for feedback on my channel and my first video. Any kind of feedback is welcome, so everyone feel free to chime in!
Hi, I'm looking for feedback on my channel and my first video. Any kind of feedback is welcome, so everyone feel free to chime in!
I like your logo and you banner. Might wanna move the banner a little bit because the words on the right side arent showing up completely. I watched your video (the entire thing might i add) and it was decent. You had some great parts in there but it kinda got repetitive. You would say something then repeat it a few times. But overall i enjoyed it
I like your logo and you banner. Might wanna move the banner a little bit because the words on the right side arent showing up completely. I watched your video (the entire thing might i add) and it was decent. You had some great parts in there but it kinda got repetitive. You would say something then repeat it a few times. But overall i enjoyed it
Thanks! Now I can base that into my next video and not be so repetitive! Btw can you screenshot my banner for me so I can see how far off it is?

I want to see more videos btw! And also (dont hate me) there was a lot of dead space. That doesnt mean talk the entire time but a little bit more might help!
Thanks for the picture I'll get started on fixing the banner right now! And i know there was some dead moments lol I just didn't have any clue what to say but I'll work on that
Thanks for the picture I'll get started on fixing the banner right now! And i know there was some dead moments lol I just didn't have any clue what to say but I'll work on that
Luckily I'm a vlogger and can record something many times. Just don't force the words to come out. Let them flow freely and youll have a better chance of being funny! (not saying you arent now)