Ended one channel. Started another.


Loving YTtalk
After much thinking I decided to end my Ammopoint channel. Why? In a nutshell I was no longer having fun with it. I didn’t like asking for subs, or trying to upload on a set schedule. Moreover many of the videos took hours to make. Over 2 years I only had just over 333 subs and little interaction. Seemed like a lot of work for limited rewards.

Of course I have started a new channel. Right now my new channel has no specific direction other than trains, aircraft, ships, military interest and DOGs!
It is unlikely to get big with no real direction. Also I am not asking for subs on this channel. I am not trying to upload on a specific time table.
unlike my other channel I will probably show my face at least some of the time.
Right now my new channel seems a lot more relaxed than the channel it replaces. Even if it never gets popular, and it won’t, I hope I find it more enjoyable than the channel it replaces.

thanks for reading.
Right now my new channel has no specific direction other than trains, aircraft, ships, military interest and DOGs!
It is unlikely to get big with no real direction. Also I am not asking for subs on this channel. I am not trying to upload on a specific time table
good man, glad to see you experimenting with what you feel, I started the channel with tank shooter game videos = some vids still there :confused: then realized I couldn't keep playing too much of a stressful game & also had an urge to make video of real life experiences, like biking/hiking etc... renamed the channel to match my interests & kept going, don't care much about subs & currently not asking for them.
also tried a food health channel & a cars channel for a little bit, topics were of no interest so quickly stopped= follow your passion = satisfy yourself