Other Embarrassing Middle School Stories


Hello! I create sex ed and puberty videos, and I thought it would be interesting to do a video or two on some embarrassing or funny things people have done during their puberty prime...middle school

If you don't mind telling a funny/embarrassing story to be shared on youtube from your middle school years, here's how you can submit a story :
  1. Record Yourself
    Please try to keep your video to a max of 2:30. I want to keep the video(s) at about 2-3 stories each. If the story is really good but goes over 2:30, please let me know.
    At the end, you can list what you learned, what you would change, any advice, etc...this does not count towards the 2:30
    Please only submit recordings of you...your face. I will not be posting videos of gameplay w/ commentary, but I will post a link to your gaming channel if that's what you want.
  2. Upload your video to a filesharing service, or google drive. Then send an email to safesanesexyyt@gmail.com with the link.
    Include your preferred name (what will be posted on the video), link to channel, and age(optional)

No deadline, this is ongoing. Please post below any questions or concerns if you have any.