Don't just make videos, become a Youtuber!

Thank you for posting this.. I saw a lot of myself in the "YouTuber" section but I also bits and pieces in the "people who make videos" section so I am excited to fix those problems and pull out the unique part of myself to make me stand out.. but thank you for posting this and getting me thinking!!
Nice post! I guess the point is, make sure to bring something new to the table. Don't make videos just to make videos or to copy what others are doing.
  • Think of something new to make a video of.
  • Be yourself (Don't try to sound like some famous YouTuber)
  • Have fun doing it, don't treat it like chore
Good luck peeps!
I think you should reword that a bit. When you say don't just make videos, I am sure you mean don't just make videos and upload them randomly or don't make 3 videos and upload them all at the same time.
I like this a lot. You really illustrate the differences between being on YouTube and being a YouTuber. My husband and I actually had a conversation before we started that was very similar to this outline. What were our goals? What were we trying to achieve? What can we bring to YouTube that is different? Can we actually afford to devote time/money into developing our skills? And so on...if you aren't willing/able to answers the hard questions, you're not ready to be a YouTuber. We haven't been doing this long enough to actually consider ourselves YouTubers, yet, but your post helps drive home that we are heading in the right direction. Thanks for that!
To be a Youtuber is hard but if you struggle and if you want to put time to create content of quality you will be in the road!

I'm still struggling to find my way but it's better than before!
Very nice article, pretty much sums up the real difference between those that will and those that won't.
No matter what, if you truly want to be a YouTuber, you'll just keep going and you'll strive to do better.