Do you wanna get sponsored???


I've Got It
Hello you awesome people full to the brim with awesomeness, So I was just wondering how many of you out there want to be sponsored one day?? and if you do who do you want to be sponsored by and why?? and if you are already sponsored, how did you get sponsored and do you have any tips for people looking to get sponsored?? I would love to hear peoples thoughts on this :D
I'm sorry for being naive, I'm pretty new around here. What is sponsorship and the purpose of being sponsored?

a sponsorship is when a company (lets say monster energy for example) send you free things to either review or just free products of there so you will promote there product, there for pushing there name out to more and more people who may not have heard of there product and increasing there sales. If your a big youtuber then they may even pay you to promote there products as well, therefore making an income. hope this helps :)
a sponsorship is when a company (lets say monster energy for example) send you free things to either review or just free products of there so you will promote there product, there for pushing there name out to more and more people who may not have heard of there product and increasing there sales. hope this helps :)
Oh! Thank you for clarifying :)
I have received review units from companies but that isn't necessarily a sponsorship being that I remain unbiased typically I just email the PR department of the company (professional and to the point detailing what I can offer and provide examples of my work) and see if I am able to receive a review unit
I hope to get sponsored one day. Idk what for though prolly won't happen but that would be cool
If the product is good and something that I believe in, then yeah sure. Otherwise no. I'd rather try and find another way to make money.
I have received review units from companies but that isn't necessarily a sponsorship being that I remain unbiased typically I just email the PR department of the company (professional and to the point detailing what I can offer and provide examples of my work) and see if I am able to receive a review unit
that's pretty cool buddy :)