Daily Vlog or Sit Down Video??


Well-Known Member
So next week Sunday, I'm going to see all time low (they're a band) live and I wana make a video about it. But I don't know if I should do a daily vlog of the day or if I should do a 3-4 minute sit down vlog about the day (and include clips and images from the day). My brains pushing more towards the sit down vlog but I'm still not sure. So what do you think I should do?
why not both? make a 8-10 min video, from getting up, to travelling there, to vlogging 2 minutes before they play, to vlogging them, and then vlogging when your home, to then doing a sit down video the next day
I was gonna say both, film whatever you can and maybe sit down at the end? Its up to you though (of course) :D
I think the sit down blog is better. Film a couple of clips of the day itself, and then mix them with you talking to the camera. It would be more organised :)
I think you should do a daily vlog only if you are confident and don't mind getting stared at by others for talking to a camera. It's really difficult if you never done it before.