Alex Bolton
Pro Youtuber
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Dammit! Thanks anyway Frankie. I tired "VH screen capture" by Split Labs but it didn't work. I was going to try x-split as a virtual cam but it is not compatable with my graphics card which is a "HD RADEON 7770"LOL no. Unless you have a camera in your monitor there is no way to do this.
Yes but it doesnt work with any of my games :/Don't they have screen share or something?
I have fraps but unlucky fraps cant be used as a virtual webcamCongrats Oh if you want screen cap software, try Fraps or OBS or Dxtory can livestream, but it can't record desktop.
Mine was correct though. DAMN ME NOT READING TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PRIVATE BETAS! Congrats though!!!!!!!My strike got removed today too! =D Only took 1 month for me, darn incorrect copyright strikes!