Channel Thumbnail / Banner / Logo creator.


New Member
There is a free tool you can use called Canva, all you have to do is sign up and you can make Thumbnails, Banners and Logos using many tools all for Free. Obviously, there are one or two add-ons that will cost you money, however from my experience you don't need them at all.

Canva is awesome! Paletton is also a great resource if you're designing graphics and want help choosing colors, and FontPair is great for choosing font combinations.
Thanks. I will try this out in future. Do I just go to I've never been a big design buff but it is quite fun. What's also quite fun is Ernie Jo's profile picture. It brought a smile to my ugly mug!
Thank you so much for this posts! Really very helpfull. If you use Photoshop, it usually takes a lot longer.