There are certainly a lot of Fallout 4 Let's Plays going on right now but I hope you check out mine too! I'm aiming to be the British saviour of these people and you can see the introduction to the story here!
Interested in how I created me in Fallout 4? Join me in my struggles as I worry over my eyes, ears, weight and nose. Am I having a crisis? Quite possibly!
[DOUBLEPOST=1447509031,1447423998][/DOUBLEPOST]MOAR Fallout 4 and this time it's in highlight form! It's time to step back into the Commonweath and try to find some friends...will I make enemies along the way though? Watch to find out!
While I'm off recording some Star Wars: Battlefront for you guys, immerse yourselves back into the world of the British Saviour in Fallout 4! This time around I snatch the Cryolator and find a locket
[DOUBLEPOST=1448116983,1448030583][/DOUBLEPOST]The British Saviour is back and after chatting up some laaaadies I'm on the road to Tenpines Bluff to see what their residents are complaining about!
ALL OUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US! After discovering the Starlight Drive In it's time to build us a proper place we can call home. We also become a General or something.
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