Backround profile picture bums me out

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Og McDuffy

Well-Known Member
howdy folks,

does anyone agree the profile picture on the banner just ruins the banner? I made a fun banner and now my stupid profile picture blocks it out on certain browsers. Super sad faceeee

check my channel art work youtube (/ogmcduffy)
In some cases it can be quite annoying, they should have an option to turn it off or move it around, say below the banner. I just try and make it suit the banner as close as possible so if it does overlap it doesn't make a huge difference :)[DOUBLEPOST=1367333330,1367333259][/DOUBLEPOST]Also your channel button is broken, head into your YTtalk profile and remove that space between Og and Mc so it will work :)
your right it looks nice but don`t ya have the themplate of the new layout or ya did it all by yourself from scratch ? i used a themplate from the forum and its kinda ok lol
I just used paint (and trial and error) to get my background the way I wanted, then had to add a photo and it messed it all up!
I just used paint (and trial and error) to get my background the way I wanted, then had to add a photo and it messed it all up!
you know what they say ... try try again ... and if at first you don`t succeed then go eat a stick of bacon ... mmmmmmm bacon (starts drooling lol)
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