Automatic "Welcome" Discouraged on Twitter?


I've Got It
So lately I've been getting more followers on Twitter and a few I have followed back because I liked their stuff. Some of these accounts I believe have set up an automatic "welcome/thanks for following" DM and it got me thinking that I should do the same. However, when I researched how to do it and checked out some forums I saw that many people, even Twitter itself, discourages setting up automatic DMs/follow-backs and whatnot. Most of it said stuff about third-parties having access to your account which is obviously a no-go, however I didn't think that would be the case if I was just wanting to create a message that got sent out every time I get a follower?

What do you guys think? Should I still go through with it? I rarely use my Twitter anyways, though, so this won't make much of a difference.
I generally dislike letting a "bot" handle my work for me and even more so when I have to speak to a "bot". My suggestion is to keep all relations with your followers personal and customized.
I generally dislike letting a "bot" handle my work for me and even more so when I have to speak to a "bot". My suggestion is to keep all relations with your followers personal and customized.
Good point. I think I will stick to keeping everything personal like I have been.
I mix the personal with the automated message every time someone follows me. When I get a new follower, I send a personalised tweet to him/her to give thanks for following. I also have a crowdfire app send a DM to my followers asking them to view my vids on YouTube. From my experience this automated message has driven very small traffic to my YouTube, so I won't recommend it unless you have a lot of followers (I have more than 500).
Always best to keep it personalised. A DM saying thanks and commenting on something unique about them, their Twitter or their YouTube channel will get a much better response than a generic bot sent message.
I use it, works out pretty good, and from what I know they don't post for me or hack me sooo I think i'm good lol
but yeah...
go for it.. It's a good way to welcome people and encourage them to check out some things!
I hate when I follow someone and cop a robot, it's like calling up a tech support line and having to a pre-recorded voice prompting you to answer questions.
For me it feels like an automated message doesn't mean anything. If you want to thank your followers do it yourself. Ofcourse it also comes down to how much time you have and how many followers you get but I would never have it automated.
I hate any Twitter message that's entirely to sell me anything, even if it's a fellow YouTuber. If I've followed you on Twitter, I'll see what you post there, so if you're posting your videos regularly on Twitter, I'll probably watch and subscribe, if I like them.
If I get an automatic DM after I've followed someone, I usually unfollow that person.

It it nearly as annoying to me as those full-screen ads that pop up on certain blogs/articles asking people to subscribe for more content.