I've Got It
So lately I've been getting more followers on Twitter and a few I have followed back because I liked their stuff. Some of these accounts I believe have set up an automatic "welcome/thanks for following" DM and it got me thinking that I should do the same. However, when I researched how to do it and checked out some forums I saw that many people, even Twitter itself, discourages setting up automatic DMs/follow-backs and whatnot. Most of it said stuff about third-parties having access to your account which is obviously a no-go, however I didn't think that would be the case if I was just wanting to create a message that got sent out every time I get a follower?
What do you guys think? Should I still go through with it? I rarely use my Twitter anyways, though, so this won't make much of a difference.
What do you guys think? Should I still go through with it? I rarely use my Twitter anyways, though, so this won't make much of a difference.