Liking YTtalk
This site actually works - a couple of my friends tried it before I decided to put it on here
How it works:
You subscribe to the five people on the list. Once you've done that your name will be put on the list with the four people above you (number one gets replaced). The mathematics indicate you could earn 3,125 subs by the time your name is put at the top! It is explained in more detail on the link!
Hope it works for you guys!
This site actually works - a couple of my friends tried it before I decided to put it on here

How it works:
You subscribe to the five people on the list. Once you've done that your name will be put on the list with the four people above you (number one gets replaced). The mathematics indicate you could earn 3,125 subs by the time your name is put at the top! It is explained in more detail on the link!
Hope it works for you guys!