A rant on the struggles of youtube whilst enjoying a game of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Cruzio Caesar

Active Member
Hey guys,
Youtubes hard right? But as long as I enjoy playing these games, I find it hard to want to give up.
Thanks for checking this out.
Youtube is extremely hard to grow in, and as more and more content is uploaded and more channels are created it's going to get harder for the average channel to grow, so unless you make some friends who can help your channel gain exposure you just have to fight the battle and do your best to be an above average channel! :) I can tell you that I found once I passed 1000 subs I started seeing some steady growth in my channel
Your right there man. I'm struggling to get above twenty. Well done with your success, I can see by your channel you've earned it :). And yes, getting out there more into the community seems like a good way to start. Cheers for taking the time to comment dude.
OMG dude you are so right.. I have been trying to hard to gain the exposure so my channel can grow! :) but its fun to work really hard to strive what you want to achieve! :D
Youtube is not the same as it was back when if first launched, I wish I kept my [other] channel active back then but I didn't know I was going to be doing this then hahah. Today there is so much content(good or bad) and it seems that youtube only rewards the channels that get the most view time, but doesn't help knew youtube channels grow.

Anyhow I have rambled enough, I feel ya man, keep at it if it's something you love! Good quality video and Camera man keep it up!
yeah, its pretty brutal, i started in like October, i had like 9 subs for three months! first I felt its because my content just wasn't good enough, but then i realized, so many people are doing it now you know? I'm just gonna stick at it, see what happens, as long as it's enjoyable, why not stick at it? But so far i think whats helped most is getting into the let's play community. Like this one, thank you guys so much for taking the time to check this out. I Appreciate it!