5 Things to do to get people to notice your youtube channel 2018

Boris Qs

I Love YTtalk
Either this channel is carrying out a test on the youtube platform or Its just an art.

I say that because the owner is going against almost every thing that will help get people to notice the channel

In this video I will be reviewing the Madplanetguy channel This is going to be interesting

Tube Mechanics Note Guide
Free Download Link: https://tubemechanicsnotes.com/

How to find your most viewed video on youtube 2018

Did you know Your channels most viewed or most popular videos are signals that show the type of videos your channel viewers expect from you?

Do you know which videos on your channel have received the most views?

In this video I am going to show you how to find your channels most popular videos and how to use it grow your channel

Tube Mechanics Note Guide
Free Download Link: https://tubemechanicsnotes.com/

How to Make Clickable Thumbnails that Gets Views 2018

Do you want to attract more viewers to your videos? Have you thought about using custom thumbnails to attract more viewers?

A video thumbnail is like a movie cover. It sells your video to potential viewers. An attractive, eye-catching thumbnail entice viewers to click through to your video.
In this video I will show you some tricks on how to Improve your custom thumbnails to attract more viewers as I review the Its Jo channel.

Tube Mechanics Note Guide
Free Download Link: https://tubemechanicsnotes.com/