Gaming 18+ collab, PS4/Steam [audio/facecam]

Doctor Dano

Doctor Dano
Hi everybody, I am looking for people for future collabs. Like the title says, 18+, PS4 or Steam, audio or facecam vids.

Let's look for trending games and work something out together.

My channel is not strictly gaming, so there is flexibility. Check out my channel for an overal idea.

This will be an online collab
Hey man, I've got both ps4 and pc and i also have good quality audio, I don't do facecams, if u wanna hit me up, my Twitter is @Megzero346, or my Skype is megzero34, I would like to possibly work with u
Hey, I have both facecam and a microphone, it`s not optimal yet cause I still need to get a shockmount and boom arm, but I will get that soon :) I am 20