YouTube Store Tab

We've showcased the indie bands albums that are in our shorts, created some merch (Shirts, Mugs, and Stockings), soon we'll be offering rentals on longer media or selling remastered DVD's of compilations.

Great Idea :)
--- merged: Jun 28, 2012 at 6:18 PM ---
How exactly do you get the store tab?

you unfortunately have to wait unless your a full partner :( but as long as your account is in good standing then it wont be long :)
You should launch a channel that only presents orignal Elizabeth Prior material. It's your best stuff any way. Then when you get partnership, which literally takes one fully monetized video, you can chose to claim and partially monetize only the video portion of your media that requires mechanical rights to produce, the record company can claim the rest if you leave the right meta data, then the iTunes link will appear on your video watch page, and you'll be golden.